.ter Format


Terrain files (*.ter) represent a single terrain to be used by a world. This file format is generated by ZeroEditor and used during the munge process to create the tern chunk within *.lvl files.


Name Size (bytes) Description
Terrain Header 2820/2821 (v21/22) Header storing general information about the terrain.
Height Block size * size * 2 Height grid data.
Color Block size * size * 4 RGBA colors for the terrain grid.
Color Block size * size * 4 RGBA colors for the terrain grid.
Texture Block size * size * 16 Texture layer opacity for the terrain grid.
? size * size / 2 Maybe Water/Foliage.
? size * size / 2 Probably Water.
? Variable Not sure what this contains but it seems that this block is not required.

Terrain Header

The Terrain Header is always 2821 bytes in length.

Data Type Size (bytes) Description
byte [4] 4 Terrain Header Marker (TERR).
long int 4 .TER file version number (21 for SWBF, 22 for SWBFII).
short int [4] 8 Terrain extents. Example: -8, -8, 8, 8 for a 16x16 map.
long int 4 ? (ie. 164)
float [16] 64 Tile-range for each texture layer. _0.031 (1/32): the texture spans 32 meters. This is stored as 1/X of the value in ZeroEditor.
byte [16] 16 Mapping for each texture-layer. 0 is normal.
byte [64] 64 Unknown. Possibly 16 floats for texture-layer rotations.
float 4 Map height multiplier.
float 4 Grid-scale. Distance between points.
long int 4 ? (1)
long int 4 Full map size stored in the .TER file. The same or bigger than the map extents.
long int 4 ? (2)
byte 1 ? (0F) Only exists in SWBF II (version 22) terrain.
TextureLayer [16] 1024 Texture layers (see below).
WaterLayer [16] 1086 Water layers (see below).
byte [524] 524 Unknown.

Terrain Blocks

The Terrain Header is 2820 (SWBF) or 2821 (SWBFII) bytes in length.

Name Data Type Size
Height signed short Full map size * Full map size * 2
Height value for every point on the grid. This value will be multiplied with the map scale multiplier.
Color byte [4] Full map size * Full map size * 4
Color values for every point on the grid. 4 bytes (from 0 to 255) corresponding to the RGBA channels.
Color 2 byte [4] Full map size * Full map size * 4
Color values for every point on the grid. 4 bytes (from 0 to 255) corresponding to the RGBA channels.
Texture byte [16] Full map size * Full map size * 16
One byte (0-255) for each texture layer indicating the transparency of the corresponding texture layer.
Water byte Full map size * Full map size / 2
Structure unknown.
Foliage byte Full map size * Full map size / 2
Structure unknown.
Unknwon byte Variable
Structure unknown.

Terrain Structs


Data Type Size (bytes) Description
char [32] 32 Diffuse texture name.
char [32] 32 Detail texture name.


Data Type Size (bytes) Description
float [2] 8 Water height value (twice).
byte [8] 8 Unknown, always zero.
float [2] 8 UV animation velocity.
float [2] 8 UV animation repeat.
byte [4] 4 RGBA color values.
char [32] 32 Water texture name.

End-of-file Block

Can be empty

Data Type Size (bytes) Description
int 4 Length of the block.
int 4 Number of items. Can be zero, in which case there are no further fields and this block ends.
int 4 Number of (sub-)items?