Render Types


Render Types are stored as 1-byte integers in the ATRB chunk of materials.

See also: Inside Edit Flags, Analysis of both ModTools' .msh files


ID Hex Data0 Data1
1 01

Glow amount is defined by material color and diffuse texture.


ID Hex Data0 Data1
2 02

Basically a glow map. Requires an additional texture. The texture's alpha channel determines glow strength, rgb glow color and intensity. May actually be Detail.

See also: Lightmap discussion on GT


ID Hex Data0 Data1
3 03

Scrolling along U (horizontal)

Scrolling along V (vertical)

Scrolls the texture positively. To scroll in the other directions flip the texture coordinates.


ID Hex Data0 Data1
4 04

Enables Specular. Specular Flag doesn't seem to be needed for it to work. Specular power is affected by material color and Specular Decay (gloss).


ID Hex Data0 Data1
5 05

This uses the diffuse texture's alpha channel for specular intensity. Specular Color and Decay are used to determine specularity. Make sure the values are valid. If they are too low the specular might not appear. If the diffuse texture doesn't have an alpha channel specular will be turned off.


ID Hex Data0 Data1
6 06

Environment map. Gives the illusion of reflection on a surface. If no environment map is specified as Texture1 then the game will choose one dynamically at run time. If the object is static or does not move you should provide an environment map.


ID Hex Data0 Data1
7 07

Animates UVs to loop through different UV positions on the texture. UVs should be mapped to the first cell and not the whole texture. Cells have to be square and will be calculated automatically from the number of frames.
The number of cells always habe to be square (4, 9, 16, etc).

See also: Render Animated discussion on GT


ID Hex Data0 Data1
8 08



ID Hex Data0 Data1
9 09



ID Hex Data0 Data1
10 0A



ID Hex Data0 Data1
11 0B

Tiling along U (horizontal)

Tiling along V (vertical)

Tiles a detail texture. Requires an additional texture (detail texture). The detail map should have an average intensity of about 0.5, which insures that the overall brightness of the object will not be affected.
May actually be Lightmap.

2 Scroll

ID Hex Data0 Data1
12 0C

2 Scroll.


ID Hex Data0 Data1
13 0D


Glow Rotate

ID Hex Data0 Data1
14 0E

Glow rotate.

Planar Reflection

ID Hex Data0 Data1
15 0F

Planar reflection.

Glow Scroll

ID Hex Data0 Data1
16 10

Glow scroll.

Glow 2 Scroll

ID Hex Data0 Data1
17 11

Glow 2 scroll.

Curved Reflection

ID Hex Data0 Data1
18 12

Curved reflection.

Normalmap Fade

ID Hex Data0 Data1
19 13

Normal map fade.

Normalmap Inv Fade

ID Hex Data0 Data1
20 14

Normal map inv fade.

Ice Reflection

ID Hex Data0 Data1
21 15

Ice reflection.

Ice Refraction

ID Hex Data0 Data1
22 16

Models bend the light (see Bothan Spy). Model behaves as a transparent object but the transparency is distorted. Alpha channel of the diffuse is used to control the opacity. Requires an additional bump texture which controls amount of distortion. A refraction object can have an optional environment map associated with it.

See also: Ice Refraction discussion on GT


ID Hex Data0 Data1
23 17

Emboss. Requires an additional texture. Purpose uncertain. Might control specular.


ID Hex Data0 Data1
24 18



ID Hex Data0 Data1
25 19

Minimum intensity.

Throbbing frequency.

Makes the texture/material throb.


ID Hex Data0 Data1
26 1A



ID Hex Data0 Data1
27 1B

Requires an additional texture (greyscale bumpmap or normalmap). The bumpmap needs a .option file containing -format bump. Specular flag should be enabled for better effect.

See also: Bumpmap tutorial on GT

Bumpmap + Glossmap

ID Hex Data0 Data1
28 1C

Requires an additional texture (greyscale bumpmap or normalmap). The bumpmap needs a .option file containing -format bump. Optional texture which controls the specular intensity through it's alpha channel. Specular flag should be enabled for better effect.

See also: Bumpmap tutorial on GT


ID Hex Data0 Data1
29 1D



ID Hex Data0 Data1
30 1E



ID Hex Data0 Data1
31 1F
